Friday, January 11, 2013

Being busy

I love how being busy makes me do more things.

Let me clarify this statement. I learned in college, that the more commitments I have occupying my time, the more I do. Not just with the time I dedicate to said commitments, but I make a lot more progress on personal goals, and feel more fulfilled with how I spend my time. I now have two jobs, and with less free time, I value and prioritize my free time better. Which is good timing. New year's resolutions, anyone?

Anyway, this means I'm going to finally keep up with the resolutions I made -- what, mid-December? I have been sewing, let me assert. I have finished two dresses, which will be photographed and up soon, and I actually have a tutorial on the way.

This week's resolution: to get through and sort all my photos.  Yes, all of them.

Gold star to the busy bees :)