Friday, August 3, 2012

Leaving my beloved...

That is right, I am going camping, and leaving my computer home. Even though the McDonald's, with its tempting wireless is right next door to the campground, I am resisting. Is it bad that I desperately want to take my computer CAMPING? It says addict to me...

This is step three of my plan. Take time off the internet.

Because I've discovered something -- there is a big difference between getting inspired by the internet, and being inspired by yourself. Both have their plusses, but you need a balance of both. Right now, all my inspiration comes from being too poor to buy the pretty clothes I want. I spend my internet time not creating, but viewing others' creations and being jealous. And I'm not entirely sure I'm all right with that.

Perhaps that is why, even though I have restarted my blog, have tons of brand-new ideas, and am generally revamped in my motivation, nothing has really happened here. My inspiration all comes by way of copy. My inspiration is all from other peoples' things, and there are plenty of places on the internet to share things that aren't my blog. Sharing things is not bad, but I want my to live MY inspiration, and make my internet space what I make my world -- not how I copy  others because I like what they did. Plus, thats skeevy. Even though I don't copy so much as interpret, as a journalist, I find this unacceptable. In writing and in life, you need to create your own material -- and there is no problem being inspired by others, but you need to make it your own.

I have been working on stuff, and original stuff. I promise. I have FINISHED stuff, just waiting for a photo shoot. But I need time to plan and to be inspired by my inspirations, not others'. And I am going to take this week off to plan, to ruminate on how to make my blog MINE. And when I come back I will have lots for you.

Gold Star to the brave ones fighting internet addiction. They should make PSAs about that stuff.

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