Sunday, July 17, 2011


I'm going to talk about it a lot here. 

Not just productivity in the fusty, clock-punching, market gains type way, but the productivity we  wage against laziness and procrastination. In my case, this productivity relates to my ever-growing list of projects. 

I'm a notorious project-starter. I get inspired, sketch it down, plan it all out, buy fabric and pattern and notions and bundle it all neatly up in a bag....and then it sits there. This behavior was exacerbated by my busy college lifestyle of one-scant-too-many commitments. The neatly categorized projects got put away, until my idea of creative productivity was tackling the task of organizing and charting them in a way that the time commitment could be measured against the priority and I could, theoretically, get through them. 

And then I had a job. And the job payed! What a novel idea! After years of doing lots of work only for the learning value and because of the rewards of volunteerism, I got measurable compensation. While I love knowledge (and I don't mean that ironically -- yes, I was one of THOSE students), and while I loved working for our school's band program, there is something sweet about the independence a paycheck can give. And the pile stayed, categorized, charted, and listed, there as me and my job embarked on our glorious honeymoon. 

But then, I realized the joy of creative productivity. It started small, with me wrapping up a few details. Then, one day, I started AND finished a project. And it was glorious, and rewarding, and I had a free something nice to add to my closet. 

And I realized I could work and earn my money, but I could also  craft and de-stress -- that it too, was a worthy pursuit. With that in mind, I will not just be charting my job in this blog, but also displaying my projects. Because if I commit to posting projects, I'll get them done -- but more about that later. 

Gold Star to anyone else who has a chart of their crafting projects. Feel free to share your ways of controlling the chaos in the comments!

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