Thursday, June 28, 2012

System Reboot


I've been gone for a while....duh.  Part of it was an insane work schedule, part of it was a trip to Korea, and part of it was just failure-to-launch, what-am-I-doing-with-my-life/blog/career lethargy. But I've sorted it out, mostly. One needs to do that regularly, reassess things, go through your wardrobe/desk/future plans and discard those things that don't work any more. And my blog was part of that, to be honest. I felt it lacked a lot of direction, the schedule I was trying to uphold wasn't accomplishing what I wanted it to, and frankly, I was kind of doing it as a chore.

Part of the reason I started this blog was as a catalog of my... well... creative endeavors.  It was a tool to motivate me to finish projects. But it wasn't doing that job. It was a way to express my writing life, but I haven't really had one recently. Either way, it was a tool, and that isn't the right reason to have a blog. I guess it all came together when I read (this) wonderful article at a Beautiful Mess (probably the most successful blog I know). You have one because you want to share your life and ideas with the world, because you have a passion you want to share.

So, Following that article, things around here are going to change. I'm not going to delete everything that came before, but I am going to (re)start my blog with a bang. Part of my lifestyle is about writing and developing as a writer, and I have done some of that on this blog. I want people to see that, and I'm not afraid that things may have been a mess before. Mistakes help us learn and they will always be valuable to me for that.

1. Pick a personal theme.
 Originally my blog was based on creativity. Which, in reality, is unrealistic. I tried to fit writing, crafting, and everything else into one blog. I still am going to write on those things, but I'm going to ground it to "living a creative life." Because I don't just continually craft, like a lot of the craft bloggers I admire. I don't have a thriving free-lancing career, so I can't just be a professional writing blogger. I'm inspired, but I don't just want to share other people's things that inspire me. So I'm going to be me. I have so many ideas and passions and interests it's ridiculous. And I'm going to share them, and my creative life, because it doesn't get any more personal than lifestyle. Enjoy the ride :)

Maybe that doesn't refine it much for you, but I feel a new direction and focus. So maybe you'll just have to watch it play out :) Maybe it won't be that much different, overall, but I believe a shift in ideas always wins out.

I'll share the other steps or the article as things take shape.

Gold star to the reassesors

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