Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The favorites

I'm not sure how exacly this became a necessity for my work, but it has. It probably has its roots in listening to music while working combined with the constantly relevant, intricate system of film-viewing in my last apartment.

I find that having a movie on while working can be remarkably productive. But it must be of a very specific kind.

It must be one I have watched before, and one that contains nothing which drives me nuts (changed actors in the sequel, gaping plot wounds, high-pitched voices, excessively un-grammatical characters). It must also not be one that requires much thought to process -- no Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, no matter how good a movie it may be. Preferably, it is one I have seen many times before.

While living in my aparment, the list narrowed to approximately this:

--Sherlock Holmes (possibly the one exception to the thinking rule, but only because we had seen it so many times the plot and 89% of the lines are seared into our memories.)
--Big Bang Theory
--Pride and Prejudice
--Iron Man
--Ever After

and since moving home I have added Dr. Who and Pushing Daisies to the list. And occasionally How I Met Your Mother.

Gold Star to those who can't work in silence.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the Internet now knows about this. Although, you should go into more detail about the "constantly relevant, intricate system of film-viewing" :)
