Sounds like a commercial for detergent. But rather, its a way to deal with the stains you can't get rid of no matter how good the detergent.
The dastardly stain
I'm not sure how I managed to stain this lavender tee, but I'm not too surprised I did. I have the unfortunate inability to eat food without being messy. Me and my mom tried all the tricks (including the super-secret sweat-stained marching band collar trick), but to no avail. So I embellished a little.
Ta-Da! you can't see the stains anymore :). I bought a bunch of doilies at the local antique mall, picked one, and cut out the inside to make a trim. But whole doilies (especially the wholly lace ones) could also be arranged creatively a la the Anthropologie aesthetic to cover stains elsewhere.
Gold Star to all those whose eating habits come from Never-Never Land (in other words, never grew up).
That is a quality picture of your bosom. Seriously, you look really trim. Nicely done, even without an SLR ;)