Thursday, November 3, 2011

The room part one -- accesories

One of the cool things about moving home is I've been able to redecorate my room. My mother mandated that I had to paint it something more relaxing than lime green. So I picked this light blue (since plum purple isn't relaxing enough) and plum and peachy-pink accents. And white, which is kind of a new thing for me -- I've never been a fan of white, but it does make the place seem so much bigger. It's happening very slowly, but its finally starting to resemble a relaxing space.

Part one: a wall of accessories? yes please!

Over the past couple of years I've been gifted with apartments with large closets, with wall space I could hang command hooks on to store my accessories. Especially last year, my closet was a blessing. At home, I am not nearly as blessed, so I had to use one of my main walls -- but I think I did it in a decorative enough way that it works. What do you think? (Ignore my ugly IKEA lamp, it's standing in until I get a good reading light.)

 Note: I keep my scarves on this looped ring thing from IKEA -- it's such a simple genius.

Perhaps my favorite part -- I've always loved how graceful pointe shoes look. Also, I'm really excited about the teapot hook (spray-painted, from Joann's. So is the bird holding up the scarves).

An IKEA basket woven through with a length of silk holds all my gloves and knitted hats and whatnot.

For the hat and earring holders, see my quick tips for tutorials :)

Gold star to all those that decorate in stages.

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