Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The listening ear

Perhaps the most useful tool to a writer. Even if they're not doing traditional editing, someone patient can be extremely valuable.  

Basically, this boils down to the value of having someone to listen to you rant, even if they're not entirely listening. Because ranting and telling stories is an underrated part of the writing process. The fact is, some of my most witty and insightful moments have come when I was ranting, or drifting on a tangent. Just talking and using your words out loud and expressing the way you see things can be really helpful. Its like a free write, but its talking at somebody. So, to do this successfully you need to have someone who is patient and will listen to your stories for the millionth time.  For each time you tell it it gets better -- just another link to the putting it on the page. 

It also helps I learn things by talking them through. That's how I studied for history tests, I'd read through my notes and figure out new connections reach cool new analyses, just by talking it out. You can really discover new things. Even if you're just telling a story, each time you tell a story you find new angles and learn new ways to express it and its going to work better. Use your brain's organic drafting process to your advantage. 

from here

This was too cute not to include. I gave into precious pressure...

Gold Stars (and so much love) to mine :)

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